

ext3, or third extended filesystem, is a journaled file system that is commonly used with the Linux kernel.

[Windows] 讀取ext2 ext3 格式的硬碟-我要回家想一想

Win7 x64 上使用有問題,mount Ext2/Ext3 格式硬碟不起來. Ext2 File System Driver for Windows 使用教學 工具2:Ext2 Installable File System For Windows XP、Win7 ...

Accessing Linux Files from Windows ▷ Ext3 Ext2 File Sharing

You can use a Free utility called Explore2fs to easily access your Linux files from within Windows. Explore2fs is a GUI explorer tool for accessing both ext3 ...

Ext2 File System Driver for Windows download

評分 4.2 (111) · 免費 · Windows Ext2Fsd is an open source Linux ext2/ext3 file system driver for Windows systems (2K/XP/VISTA/WIN7/WIN8, X86/AMD64). Files · Browse /Ext2fsd at... · Browse /Ext2fsd/0.69 at...

Mount ext3fs in Windows

Just found this overview of three ways to access an ext3 partition. Don't know if the first supports Windows 7; the second supports Vista so it likely does.

How to Access Linux Ext2 or Ext3 on Windows

評分 4.6 (51) How to open Ext2/Ext3 files on Windows · 1. The first step is to download and install Linux Reader™. · 2. Run Linux Reader™ and click on the drive you want to ...

Linux Ext2Ext3 File System Driver For Windows

My experience with ext2fsd is that either it works flawlessly, or it doesn't work at all. I was able to install it on some older PCs, but my ...

Linux File Systems for Windows

A unique tool which gives you full access to Linux volumes within Windows. Just plug your hard disk with ExtFS/Btrfs/XFS partitions into your PC.

How to mount an Ext3 hard drive in Windows 10

1. Download DiskInternals Linux Reader™. · 2. Install the software on any drive you see fit. · 3. After installation, click Drives. · 4. Then go to ...

Installing Windows to a EXT34 Volume

Has anyone managed to install Windows to a EXT3 or EXT4 volume with success? I've been looking into it but I haven't been able to find anything worthwhile.


ext3,orthirdextendedfilesystem,isajournaledfilesystemthatiscommonlyusedwiththeLinuxkernel.,Win7x64上使用有問題,mountExt2/Ext3格式硬碟不起來.Ext2FileSystemDriverforWindows使用教學工具2:Ext2InstallableFileSystemForWindowsXP、Win7 ...,YoucanuseaFreeutilitycalledExplore2fstoeasilyaccessyourLinuxfilesfromwithinWindows.Explore2fsisaGUIexplorertoolforaccessingbothext3 ...,評分4.2(111)·免費·WindowsE...